
Dive Into Health

California Brown Pelicans are magnificent creatures. Standing on a pier in Redondo Beach CA I am watching them dive from 60 feet plunging bill-first into the ocean below. Like arrows shot from the bow of Robin Hood their aim is true. Rarely do they appear from under the water without several herring trapped in their throat pouch. Pelicans use their pouch like a net to scoop up their prey.


Let's face it. Most people truly interested in fitness struggle with the "doing" part. We won't even mention those that aren't. Once their gym membership agreement is signed and sealed the great majority of members do not show up on a regular basis. Ask any gym owner.

What Women Want

To be a disciplined woman in the year 2021 is a very powerful concept. To resist the temptations of your environment, to have strong control and higher expectations of yourself above mediocrity and to have the will not to “go with the flow”, is truly a rebel stature in our North American lifestyle.

Pet Peeve

I’ve noticed that many people treat their pets better than themselves. I researched this topic by interviewing mature avid pet owners of hamsters, birds, dogs, cats and horses. When I asked the question, "What do you feed your pet?", they all responded the same. "High-quality food".

Habits of Health: Travel

My first book Recipe for Health (2002) teaches how to get and stay well. It defines optimum health and describes ten principles essential to its achievement. These include clean air, pure water, fresh juice, whole foods, natural light, physical exercise, personal hygiene, periodic cleansing, adequate rest & sleep and nutritional supplements.

Who's Life is it Anyway?

Whose life is it anyway? I often ask myself that same question. Why do we burden ourselves with more than our share of responsibility? No one asked us to do it, no one put a gun to our head and forced us to do it, we volunteered! Why?

Sleep: Restore the Power of Your Body

The vast majority of us tend to push the envelope when it comes to sleep. We stay up late working, watching TV or playing video games. The problem with such common nocturnal habits, is they typically rob the body of the time it needs to cleanse, detoxify, repair and rejuvenate. The end result is chronic sleep debt.

Cell Phones

Cell-U-itus [a complex neurological syndrome caused by excessive use of wireless mobile cell phone technology; symptoms include brain inflammation, addictive-compulsive obsession, dependence, anxiety, depression and unusual or aberrant-like behavior].

Adrenal Exhaustion

To cope with stress, Nature equips every newborn with a pair of fresh young adrenal glands, packed full of vitamin C, potassium, zinc, pantothenic acid (B5) and essential fatty acids. Each adrenal gland is nestled on the upper inner surface of each kidney and consists of an outer larger portion, called the cortex, and an inner portion referred to as the medulla.

A Glossary of Terms

Sport nutrition is a separate category complete with its own unique language. It is loaded with technical terminology and mixed with its own brand of vernacular and slang. It also differs from sport to sport and from country to country, just as the dialect of English also varies between England and America, or from one region of Canada to another.


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