Alvin & Jada Tam: Self-Mastered Athleticism & Off-Grid Living

V17N9c - Guest
Alvin Tam discovered the National Circus School in Montreal and ended up crossing the globe several times as an acrobatic performer, coach and actor working with many circus and theatrical companies, including the renowned Cirque du Soleil.

Alvin is also the author of “The Art of Impossible” and pioneer of Acrofit, an acrobatic system of movement designed to increase strength, precision, and flexibility.

Jada Tam was born and raised in New York. After two decades of world travel she followed an intuitive calling to awaken her inner healer through a multicultural blend of native ways. Jada is a yoga teacher, artist, herbalist, sacred dancer, belly dancer, fire artist and certified art educator. She is well versed in anthroposophy, holistic living, sustainable wild crafting and plant spirit healing.
