Time to Compete (Part Three)

In part two of this 4-part series I reviewed the concept of periodization as it relates to my preparation for Mr. Hawaii 2013. Periodize means to manipulate, modify or change multiple training variables over time. Things like reps, sets, exercises, angles, intensity, frequency and so on. Periodization provides a great psychological edge.

Each and every workout is fresh and alive. Of enormous significance is the measurable reduction in injury risk, especially if you train hard. My personal motto is “Train hard or go home.”

When you periodize workouts you know that what you’re doing today in the gym is going to change soon for the better. It’s called constant progression. Each three month Mesocycle is calculated in advance and is based on the primary objective of staying well and functional up to and including contest day.

Biological Bodybuilding the original and only authentic true form of natural bodybuilding, is all about creating symmetry and wellness.

Step by step, hand by hand and chisel by chisel, I hone my physical frame down to what appears to be solid muscle. I learn how to master my emotions. I am pursuing the objective of achieving physical excellence. The ultimate irony and beauty of natural bodybuilding is that muscle is the health engine of the body. The old timers were right. Train hard, eat more protein, rest and sleep. Serve to be served.

I now invite you to examine my standard daily diet.

It is by no means typical when compared to most people on the planet. How do I know that? Simple. I've traveled to six continents for the last 40 years and have visited over 5000 gyms and health food stores. I have also worked, lived and eaten with dozens of native, local and culturally enhanced population groups.

Unfortunately and what I consider to be a huge downer, refined, dead, sterile food is being eaten everywhere by huge numbers of people. Eaten by the most refined and sophisticated, as well as the most ignorant and uneducated. Dead refined food is today’s norm, not fresh, whole organic food.

The Axis of Evil, meaning the distribution of dead toxic harmful food to our species, is perpetrated on the young, the innocent and the ignorant, and it has no boundary or moral code. It behaves like an infectious bacteria or virulent disease. It has permeated every culture and every society in the world with roads, ship ports or a landing strip. Any isolated society with any means of communication including radio, TV or the internet is vulnerable to its infection.

Wherever there are people today including local and transient, you’ll find chocolate bar wrappers, tin cans, plastic bottles and empty boxes scattered all over the ground and in highway ditches. The evidence of junk is what the junk is wrapped in.

OK so one of my life principles is not to compare myself to the lowest common denominator. Society is fixed, not to prevent the strong from winning, but to protect the weak from losing. In contrast I compare what I eat to a standard of objective science and reason. A diet that coincides with evidence and what humans ate 3000 years ago.

In 1000 BCE there was nothing to eat anywhere except whole, fresh organic food.

Things like hunted wild game, fish, seafood, root vegetables, fruit and small amounts of nuts, seeds, sprouted whole grains and tubers, beans and legumes. Three thousand years ago that’s all there was and of course also prior to and including beyond the origin of our species.

After 1000 BCE was when the real decline of our food supply began and it has slowly developed over the centuries into a huge widespread disease of greed and corruption driven primarily through the device of agriculture, modern transport and high tech food processing. Up until that time, there was no white flour or white sugar because there was no industry to produce it, no technology.

There were no food factories, no feedlots, no monoculture, no pesticides, no fast food joints and none of the diseases so prevalent today, caused primarily by consuming chemically enhanced sterile food and taking prescription medication to treat the symptoms of disease that arise as a consequence.

Here’s a quick overview of my typical year round standard diet.

This program is by far the best I have followed to date. It keeps me well, strong and ambitious. The goal is prevention, prevention of disease and prevention of unnecessary trouble. A fit well-nourished body is best. That much I can do.

Rise & Shine!

  • 250ml filtered water
  • 250ml freshly squeezed juice (1 tsp. calcium ascorbate)

Take Supplements

  • 2g tyrosine
  • 2 caps Gingko Biloba
  • 2g Vit E (mixed tocopherols)
  • 500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Pre-Workout Shake

  • 250ml filtered water
  • 25g whey protein isolate
  • 25g hemp plant protein
  • 2 T. hemp seed oil
  • 5g Hawaiian Spirulina
  • 5g L-glutamine powder
  • 5g D-Ribose powder
  • 1 T. raw honey
  • 250g mixed raw fruit

Take Supplements

  • Vitamin complex
  • Mineral complex
  • GS Complex
  • 200mg P.Ginseng extract
  • 100mg Grape seed extract
  • 300mg CoQ10
  • 200mg alpha-lipoic acid (R+)
  • 2g HMB

Cory’s Cowboy Coffee

1-2 cups fresh ground organic very strong black coffee

Time to Train!

Five Steps to Health Program

  1. Warm-up
  2. Resistance Training
  3. Core Training
  4. Cardio (interval)
  5. Full Body Stretch

1 liter filtered water enhanced with Vit C/Electrolyte powder

Post-Workout Shake

  • 250ml filtered water
  • 25g whey protein isolate
  • 25g hemp plant protein
  • 2 T. hemp seed oil
  • 5g Hawaiian Spirulina
  • 5g L-glutamine powder
  • 5g D-Ribose powder
  • 5g calcium ascorbate powder
  • 5g creatine monohydrate
  • 1 T. raw honey
  • 250g mixed raw fruit

Take Supplements

  • Vitamin complex
  • Mineral complex
  • GS Complex
  • 100mg Grape seed extract
  • 200mg alpha-lipoic acid (R+)
  • 2g HMB


  • Bowl of steel cut oats (water)
  • Grated apple
  • Black currants
  • Blackstrap molasses & honey

1 cup herbal tea


1 cup herbal tea

Mid-Afternoon Shake & Take

  • 250ml filtered water
  • 25g whey protein isolate
  • 25g hemp plant protein
  • 2 T. hemp seed oil

Take Supplements

  • Vitamin complex
  • Mineral complex

1 cup herbal tea


1 cup herbal tea

Evening Protein Shake

  • 250ml filtered water
  • 25g whey protein isolate
  • 25g hemp plant protein
  • 2 T. hemp seed oil
  • 100g frozen pear

Take Supplements

  • Vitamin complex
  • Mineral complex
  • 4 caps Probiotics
  • 9mg Melatonin
  • 1000mg calcium citrate
  • 500mg magnesium citrate


  • Walnuts (raw, unsalted, cracked fresh from the shell)
  • 2 Mandarin oranges

Consume filtered water throughout the day between meals (30ml per kg LM)

My diet is very definitely a reflection of my inner life. It is propelled mainly from the center my soul which I keep in alliance with science, reason and positive emotion. The next and final part of this 4-part series includes a three-dimensional look at my 100-Days-Out contest diet. Until then do what needs to be done.

Time to Compete (Part One)
Time to Compete (Part Two)
Time to Compete (Part Four)

As always...Stay and Live Free!

