Natural Health Products

The Right Whey for Women

Do you crave sweets or feel uncontrollable urges to eat bread, muffins or chocolate chip cookies? Do you lack motivation? Are you depressed without reason? Do you feel tired all the time? Are you constantly fighting the battle of the bulge and losing? Does it take you a long time to get over a cold or flu?

The Other Side of the Supplement Coin

Although we have thoroughly convinced ourselves otherwise, many of the signs and morbid symptoms associated with senescence, such as obesity, type II diabetes and high blood pressure, are not a function of chronological age. In fact they have more to do with nurture (lifestyle, state of mind, stress management, nutrition, fitness, rest & environment) than nature (genes) although both play a role.

The Hierarchy of Athletic Supplements

The name of the game is performance. That’s what it’s all about. Whether you’re on the field, at home behind closed doors or in the office, your ability to perform is the bottom line. Perform well and you make the grade. Score the winning goal and you’re a hero, but miss the shot one too many times…and you’re history.

The Discovery of Vitamins

Near the beginning of the 2Oth century, biologists discovered that trace amounts of specific organic molecules must be present in the diet of animals if they were to remain healthy and active. In I905, Cornelius Andreus found that animals fed a diet consisting of purified fats, carbohydrates, proteins, inor­ganic salts and water would thrive only if small amounts of milk were added to their diet.

Sugar: Good, Bad and the Ugly

For health reasons substantiated by clinical, medical, empirical and even moral evidence, I always stress the importance of avoiding refined sugar in the diet, including primarily, sucrose and corn syrup. AKA "white death".

Sterols & Sitosterolins for Athletes

Recognized as phytonutrient lipid complexes derived from plant fats, sterols and sitosterolins are powerful immunomodulatory agents useful in the fight against human disease. Seeds and sprouts are nature's richest sources; common foods that provide high amounts include almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, squash, barley, peas, olive oil, peanuts, and clove.

Ribose: Heart, Muscle and Energy Food

D-Ribose (C5-H10-O5) is a naturally occurring five-carbon (pentose) sugar. It is found in all living cells and on average, our bodies contain about 1.6 mg of ribose per 100 ml of blood. Ribose is classified as a carbohydrate with a potential energy value of 4 calories per gram. In humans, it is synthesized from glucose and can also be used to make glucose.

Protection and Lubrication: Oil Up for the Sport of Life

When live, fresh flax seed oil or any similar seed or non-rancid fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids are combined correctly with a high-quality sulfur rich protein, the essential fatty acids (EFAs) combine with the amino acids in the protein to form water-soluble lipoproteins.

Pantothenic Acid (B5)

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid, is known as the "anti-stress" vitamin. It's got a great reputation for treating fatigue, adrenal exhaustion and allergies. B5 was discovered by Dr. Roger Williams, the father of biochemical individuality.

The Right Whey Protein

Whey is a derivative of milk, produced as a watery, sidestream product during the manufacturing of cheese. Cheese consists primarily of milk curd, which is a soft gel formed when casein, the most abundant protein in cow’s milk, reacts with lactic acid converted from lactose (milk sugar) by microorganisms in the milk.


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