
Biomarker Body Composition Grip Strength Analysis

Shake'n'Take Guide

BV of Common Proteins

In addition to Biological Value (BV) this chart provides an analysis of fat percentage and the number of grams of protein, fats and carbs identified in 100 gram portions of common natural foods derived from both plant and animal sources.

CHI L-Glutamine Dosage Guideline Chart

A guide to individual dose loading and daily L-Glutamine consumption based on lean mass and gender.

CHI HMB Dosage Guideline Chart

A guide to individual dose loading and daily HMB consumption based on lean mass and gender.

CHI Creatine Dosage Guideline Chart

A guide to individual dose loading and daily creatine consumption based on lean mass and gender.

CHI Daily Protein Requirements Chart

A guide to individual daily protein consumption based on four classes including class one (inactive/sedentary), class two (aerobic/endurance), class three (aerobic/anaerobic/speed) and class four (anaerobic/size/strength)

CHI Hierarchy of Athletic Supplements Chart

Provides a guideline for the use of dietary supplements beginning with the primary essential micronutrients up to medicinal agents

CHI Protein Quality Chart

Provides a range of protein sources from high (whey protein isolate) to low (luncheon meats) quality including pH and denatured state

CHI Fat Quality Chart

Provides a range of fat sources from high (organic mixed oils) to low (margarine) quality including pH and micronutrients density


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