
The Thyroid Gland: Metabolic Power Throttle

"Although extremely common, low thyroid is largely an unsuspected illness. Even when suspected, it is frequently undiagnosed. When it is diagnosed, it often goes untreated. When it is treated, it is seldom treated optimally". ~ Richard Shames, M.D. (2001) THYROID POWER: 10 Steps to Total Health

The Science of Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition is an art and a science. The art relates to how gracefully and consistently we apply the science. The science is a derivative of scientific investigation. This includes investigation, clinical research and numerous studies performed by researchers and scientists at universities and research centers around the world.

The Science of Emoducation

Learning new information is generally less difficult than applying new information. In the world of sports nutrition, health & fitness, the greatest struggle for men and women by far is the application of the knowledge, not its acquisition. The true power and multiple benefits of optimum health absolutely lie in the doing! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The True Measure of a Man

What makes a healthy man, or, to rephrase the question, what makes a man healthy? Must he be sensitive, muscular and a good provider? How significant is his IQ or his biological age? Does a man’s health depend on his level of fitness, the size of his wallet or his cholesterol ratio? What of his understanding of people and the world, and his ability to achieve his goals?

The Rules of the Game (Part 3)

Although we have thoroughly convinced ourselves otherwise, many of the signs and morbid symptoms associated with senescence, such as obesity, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, elevated blood fats and high blood pressure, are not a function of chronological age.

The Rules of the Game (Part 2)

Exercise, however necessary and magnificent, doesn't nourish the body directly. It facilitates nourishment and greatly improves digestion, absorption and elimination, but moving the body doesn't supply the essential micronutrients that catalyze the release of energy from ATP.

The New Sports Nutrition

Sports Nutrition is both an art and a science. The art consists of nourishing an active body with high quality food and dietary supplements in a skillful, safe and consistent manner. This pertains not only to what we eat, but also when.

The Necessity of Education

The Myth of Muscle Memory

When accepted as truth by large numbers of people without investigation, a false myth can cause profound cultural change. Consider the vast numbers of people who have been seduced into drinking milk as a staple thinking one thing when the opposite is actually true.

The Luck of the Draw

Ever wonder how much of your life and health is controlled by genetic factors supposedly outside of your control? What do you think, is it 25, 50, maybe 75, even 100 percent? I’m sure you've been told that you’re not to blame for your condition, that you’re just a victim of circumstance, bad luck or faulty genes.

The Intelligent Choice

Optimum health is much more than absence of disease. By definition it must include presence of function and implies a high natural resistance against infection, disease and degeneration. True health denotes a persona of energy and enthusiasm.

The Dope on Doping

Steroid use among athletes always creates controversy in sport and is a favorite topic for the media. I've used the topic myself on various television and radio talk show programs as a means of attracting public attention. Once attention is gained however, my objective is to provide both a useful and rational alternative.

The Chemistry of Insulin

Insulin is a polypeptide hormone that promotes glucose utilization, protein synthesis and the formation and storage of lipids. Produced by specialized endocrine cells of the pancreas called the islets of Langerhans, insulin was discovered in 1921 by two Canadian researchers.

The Art of Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition is an art. This relates to how you apply the science. Once you know what to do and provided you are guided by reason, the art has to do with the application of what you know. Take it from me based on decades of clinical observation and personal experience.

Sports Nutrition for Kids

Dear Cory: *"My husband and I are both very active. We play competitive recreational sports, exercise with weights and run on a regular basis. For many years now, we’ve been eating organic foods and buying vitamins from the health food store. My question concerns our 3 children, ages 8, 11 & 13.

Spirulina: Nature's Superfood

In case you haven’t noticed, a very large and impressive category of “green foods” has established itself within the domain of the natural foods industry. The GREEN MACHINE has permeated every sector, providing nourishment and life’s missing ingredients to athletes, young children, busy executives and convalescing seniors.

Tanita Body Composition Assessment (BIA)

Medical doctors seldom measure the aerobic capacity or muscular strength of patients during an annual checkup. They might have you stand on a medical scale to determine your 'weight', but that information by itself is practically useless. Body "weight" only reflects the influence of gravity on mass but composition of mass is by far more important to know for health and performance.

Natural Remedies for Sports Injuries

More than twenty percent of all reported accidents are sport related. In the context of this article, sport is a generic term used to describe both structured and free-style exercise, physical recreation, various games and a vast assortment of athletic activities which may or may not involve formal competition.

Motivation for Life

"Motivation is a function of incentive born out of necessity and desire. It is fueled by enthusiasm, driven by passion, governed by positive emotion, compelled by logic and sustained by clarity of vision." ~ Dr. Cory Holly

Life Is In The Blood

Hippocrates believed that the body fluids (blood, saliva and urine) would be affected by disease and today we can conclude that disease does and can substantially affect blood composition. The presence of a virus or bacteria can be measured and in this regard, blood screening is invaluable.
